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Lawyer Blog: Baltimore, MD

Category: Car Accidents

Dude, Who Hacked My Car?

Lock on Car Door

Cybersecurity has become a part of our everyday world, even for those of us whose computer knowledge doesn’t stretch beyond web surfing and social media. Everyone, it seems, knows the basic precautions against hackers: the need for antivirus protection and anti-malware software, and employing long strings of characters to create tough-to-crack passwords. But have you […]

Got Blood?

Blood Donor

It’s not unusual to be driving down the highway when you suddenly hear emergency sirens and glimpse flashing lights as an ambulance streaks past, carrying an accident victim to the nearest trauma center. You might wonder about the circumstances, maybe even offer up a little prayer for the person inside. What you should be praying […]

Putting An End To DUI Deaths

Police Car With Lights On

ENDUI . . . No, it’s not pronounced on-dou-ee and it’s not a fancy French sausage. It’s pronounced end-dee-you-eye and it’s an app newly developed by the Maryland Highway Safety Office as one more weapon in the arsenal intended to save lives which could be taken by drunk drivers. ENDUI is an app which can […]

Baltimore County Police Captain Arrested at St. Patrick’s Sobriety Checkpoint

A captain in Baltimore County’s police force has been assigned to administrative duties after being arrested at a St. Patrick’s weekend sobriety checkpoint in Hampstead.  He was arrested on suspicion of alcohol impairment.  He was released to a sober driver after refusing to take a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test, according to a statement provided […]