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Do I Need a Lawyer for a Hit and Run?

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Hit and Run?

Do I need a lawyer for a hit-and-run accident?

The answer to this question is nearly always a resounding “yes.” Though you’re technically entitled to represent yourself in a court of law if you wish, doing so is almost never a good idea.

This post aims to shed light on the importance of legal representation in hit-and-run cases, and what you can expect from the legal process following one of these accidents.

How a Lawyer Can Help You Following Your Hit-and-Run Accident

The process that follows a hit-and-run accident has many stages, especially if the dispute makes it all the way to court. Your attorney will lead the way through all of these, and keep you informed and supported throughout.

Investigating the Accident

One of the top priorities after a Baltimore hit-and-run accident is the identification of the at-fault party. If you can’t find the runaway driver and prove they caused your accident, you’ll likely find it much more difficult to recover all the compensation you need to move on with your life.

Your lawyer will be able to liaise with police on your behalf to assist with the search for the at-fault driver.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

Insurance companies are not on your side. Maryland is an at-fault state, which means the insurance company of the driver responsible for an accident must cover all the costs arising from it. This insurance company is therefore likely to do whatever it can to prove you were at fault for your accident, rather than its policyholder.

Of course, in a hit-and-run scenario, it might not be possible to identify the at-fault driver. If this is your situation, you may need to rely on your own uninsured motorist coverage to get paid. This can also present challenges, as your insurer may try to deny or devalue your claim for one reason or another.

In either scenario, the assistance of an experienced car accident lawyer will be very valuable to you.

Assessing Damages and Compensation

The first step toward a fair settlement is an analysis of all the costs your accident has caused. This includes economic damages (medical bills, lost wages, and other such costs) and noneconomic damages (pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and so on).

After this assessment is complete, you’ll know what you need to aim for during settlement negotiations. Experienced auto accident lawyers know how to analyze these cases and account for all damages when entering negotiations with defendants and their insurers.

Navigating the Legal System

Whether you conclude your case inside or outside the courtroom, you’ll need a lawyer with extensive experience of hit-and-run cases. You’ll also want someone who’s comfortable dealing with opposing counsel, judges, and juries.

How to Choose the Right Lawyer for Your Case

There are a number of factors you should look for when seeking a lawyer to represent you in a Baltimore hit-and-run accident case, including:

  • Experience: Hit-and-run cases present a lot of distinct issues, so it’s important to hire a lawyer who’s familiar with all of them. You need someone with specialist experience, not a general practitioner.
  • Approach: Many large law firms treat their clients as case files, letting paralegals and junior associates take care of all but the largest suits. Not at our firm. We take each case personally, and do what we can to give you the support you need throughout the process. We’ll answer your questions and address your concerns promptly,
  • Past successes: Good law firms tend to showcase their successes using past case results and testimonials. Referring to these can help you decide whether you’re picking the right person to work with.

Understanding Hit-and-Run Laws in Maryland

According to Title 20 of the Maryland Code, drivers involved in any accident causing property damage or injuries must exchange personal information with other parties to the incident before leaving the scene. They must also render assistance to any person there who may require it.

It’s important to note that these rules apply to every driver involved in a qualifying road accident, not just the at-fault driver. So, even if you’re hit by someone else, you must still remain at the scene long enough to exchange information with other drivers and render any necessary aid, or you may be guilty of a criminal offense.

Penalties for illegally leaving the scene of an accident may include 8-12 license points, fines, and even jail time.

If you’re unsure of how these rules may apply to your situation, consider discussing your case with a Maryland hit-and-run attorney.

Working With Your Insurance Company Following a Hit-and-Run Accident

As noted earlier, your insurance company is not on your side when it comes to claim time. The motor insurance industry relies on bad-faith claim denials to stay profitable, and your insurance adjuster will do whatever they can to devalue or invalidate your claim.

So, if you’re filing a claim against your uninsured motorist coverage, you need to be extremely careful during any interaction with your insurer. Make sure to give only the details you’re asked for when discussing the accident; don’t engage in any speculation about who was to blame for the accident or any role you may have played yourself.

Maryland is a contributory negligence state, which means that any negligence whatsoever on your part may invalidate your claim. Even if you’re only 5% responsible for an accident, you may be disqualified from recovering compensation at all.

If possible, it’s better to have your lawyer deal with all insurance company interactions on your behalf.

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Hit-and-Run in Baltimore?

If you’ve been left with injuries and property damage because of a reckless hit-and-run driver, you don’t need to pick up the pieces by yourself. For the best possible chance of receiving a top-class settlement or verdict, you should consult with a Baltimore hit-and-run lawyer.

Call us at (410) 625-4878 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free initial consultation.